Grants are a great way to support your trip. Here are some tips to help you be successful when writing a grant proposal:

“The proposal should be clear, concise, compelling, and correct – the ‘four Cs’ of carefully crafted proposals.” Finding Funding, Corwin Press, Inc.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing A Grant Proposal

  1. Why? Outline your group’s needs and how they will benefit from the program.
  2. What? Provide a general overview of the program and list specific concepts.
  3. How? Cover trip goals, objectives, and activities.
  4. Who? List the institution, group, key individuals, and staff.
  5. When? Outline your fundraising plan.
  6. How Much? Include information about your budget.

Components of a Standard Grant Proposal

A. Cover/Face Sheet (including remarks)
B. Project Approval
C. Budget Summary Forms
D. Project Narrative
E. Certificates and Assurances
F. Appendixes and Attachments

Parts A, B, C, and E are referred to as “boilerplates” when writing a grant proposal, as they follow certain templates. While these are usually forms, they need to be completed with care and precision. Parts D and F, however, allow for more of the writer’s creativity.

Don’t Forget these items when writing a grant proposal!

  • List objectives to be met by the program.
  • List activities that will meet these objectives.
  • List the budget for activities.
  • List the method for evaluating the success of fulfilling the stated objectives.

Research grant ideas for your trip.

Grant ideas for your trip.