Grants are a great way to support your trip. Here are some tips to help you be successful when writing a grant proposal:
“The proposal should be clear, concise, compelling, and correct – the ‘four Cs’ of carefully crafted proposals.” Finding Funding, Corwin Press, Inc.
Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing A Grant Proposal
- Why? Outline your group’s needs and how they will benefit from the program.
- What? Provide a general overview of the program and list specific concepts.
- How? Cover trip goals, objectives, and activities.
- Who? List the institution, group, key individuals, and staff.
- When? Outline your fundraising plan.
- How Much? Include information about your budget.
Components of a Standard Grant Proposal
A. Cover/Face Sheet (including remarks)
B. Project Approval
C. Budget Summary Forms
D. Project Narrative
E. Certificates and Assurances
F. Appendixes and Attachments
Parts A, B, C, and E are referred to as “boilerplates” when writing a grant proposal, as they follow certain templates. While these are usually forms, they need to be completed with care and precision. Parts D and F, however, allow for more of the writer’s creativity.
Don’t Forget these items when writing a grant proposal!
- List objectives to be met by the program.
- List activities that will meet these objectives.
- List the budget for activities.
- List the method for evaluating the success of fulfilling the stated objectives.